Welcome To The READERS’ garden
Independent Bookstore in the heart of Granville, ohio
We sell New & Used books and related merchandise
Readers' Garden is an independent bookstore in the heart of Granville, OH, home of Denison University, just 35 minutes from downtown Columbus and 10 from Newark. We enjoy giving personalized service to all of our customers - need help finding that right selection or looking for something specific? We’re here to help.
Come check out our bestsellers top 10 best selling hard backs are always are 20% off! We also love our featured sections current affairs, feminist, and LGBTG books. Beside a wide assortment of current titles, we offer used books, unique greeting cards & cool gifts.
Plant yourself with a good book at Readers' Garden!
Come check out our cozy atmosphere and find enjoymemt in the little things.

Contact Us
Our store
115 N Prospect St
Granville OH 43023